If you prefer to host your Return & Refund Policy directly on your website, you can do so by downloading your policy from the download page in the following formats:

  • HTML (.html)
  • Text (.txt)
  • DOCX (.docx)
  • Markdown (.md)

To download your Return & Refund policy choose the file format you would to download and click the “Download” button:

Example of Download files buttons from TermsFeed Generator

Your Return & Refund Policy might be archived as a .ZIP archive. If your computer is not equipped with an unarchiver application, please download a small and free unarchiver software application that can "unzip" ZIP archives:

  • 7-Zip for Windows systems
  • The Unarchiver for Mac/OS X systems

After the download of your Return & Refund Policy is complete, you can use the corresponding format file (HTML or Text).

Here is an example of a recently created Return & Refund Policy in HTML format:

Example of HTML format of a generated Return & Refund Policy

Here's how you can copy the contents of this Return & Refund Policy HTML file:

  1. Select the entire text of the HTML file. Make sure the text is selected.

    Select all HTML of the generated Return & Refund Policy

  2. Right-click and then click "Copy":

  3. Right-click > Copy to copy the generated Return & Refund Policy

  4. You can paste the copied contents of your Return & Refund Policy anywhere you'd like. For example, on a WordPress page:

  5. Example of the Right-click then Paste option selected to paste the agreement on WordPress
