Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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CPRA Privacy Policy Template

If California-based users are accessing your website, then you should have an existing Privacy Policy that complies with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). But on January 1, 2023, the California Privacy Rights Act amendments to the CCPA (CPRA) take effect. The CPRA builds on the rights and responsibilities established under...

Blog Privacy Policy Template

It's crucial to make sure that you have a straightforward Privacy Policy posted on your blog. Not only is it legally required, but your blog's visitors will appreciate understanding what data you are collecting from them, how it's used, and with whom you may share it. Not sure where to start?...

SaaS Privacy Policy Template

If you offer a SaaS app, you're legally required to have and post a Privacy Policy. In this article, we'll walk you through why you need a SaaS Privacy Policy and what your SaaS Privacy Policy should contain. We've also provided a sample SaaS Privacy Policy template to help you design...

Privacy Policy for Freelancers

As a very freelancer, you're most certainly collecting personal information from potential clients, including something as simple as an email address for sending in your invoices. If you collect personal information, you'll need to have and post a Privacy Policy where you outline what kinds of personal information you collect and...

Privacy Policy for Email Marketing

If you're one of the many marketers or business owners who invest heavily in email marketing, you are legally required to have a Privacy Policy that outlines what you do with your subscribers' personal data. Neglecting to follow legal requirements for email marketing can lead to severe penalties. In this article,...

Apple's Requirement for In-App Deletion of Accounts

Since January 31st, 2022, all apps on Apple's App Store that allow users to create accounts need to have a mechanism in place to allow users to delete those accounts from within the apps themselves. In this article, we'll go over Apple's deletion requirements, what developers must do to comply, what...