Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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Addressing Third Parties and Service Providers in a Privacy Policy

Many jurisdictions require businesses to maintain Privacy Policies that inform users how they handle their personal information. Your Privacy Policy should let users know what third parties and service providers you use and how you share users' personal information, among other information. This article explains what a Privacy Policy is, common...

Privacy Policy for Portfolio Websites

Many entrepreneurs, and particularly freelancers, use portfolio websites to display their projects and demonstrate their capabilities to prospective clients. Business owners who use their portfolio websites to collect visitors' personal data should have a Privacy Policy to help ensure compliance with applicable privacy and data protection laws. This article explains what...

Overview of Legal Agreements

If you conduct business online, it's important to have links to clearly written, up-to-date legal agreements available on your website. In some cases, maintaining these agreements is legally required, while in others it's just plain good business practice. This article provides an overview of some of the most common legal agreements,...

Privacy Policy for Travel Websites

If you run a travel website, you will legally need to have and post a compliant Privacy Policy. This is because privacy laws require a Privacy Policy when personal information is collected, and your travel website is likely collecting a variety of personal information. This article will explore why your travel...

AI and Legal Agreements

Is it a good idea to use AI to create your legal agreements, such as Terms and Conditions agreements, Privacy Policies, EULAs, Cookies Policies, Return and Refund Policies, and Disclaimers? We believe it is not a good idea, and this article will explain why. We used a popular AI tool, ChatGPT,...

"How Do We Use Your Information" Clause in a Privacy Policy

Businesses, websites and mobile apps collect large amounts of information from users, from email addresses and names to shipping addresses and financial data. And it's important that your users understand what you use their personal information for. Including a clause about how you use personal information (personal data) you collect within...