Blog: Clauses

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Copyright Infringement Clauses

If you are publishing content on your website or blog, you (or the creator) are the author of this work. When you have authorship over that content, you have rights about how that work can be shared, used or copied. These rights are called "copyright." In this article we'll look at...

Addressing Third Parties and Service Providers in a Privacy Policy

Many jurisdictions require businesses to maintain Privacy Policies that inform users how they handle their personal information. Your Privacy Policy should let users know what third parties and service providers you use and how you share users' personal information, among other information. This article explains what a Privacy Policy is, common...

Governing Services Agreement (GSA)

Companies that provide services over the internet can benefit from having a document in place to educate their users and help protect them from liability. A Governing Services Agreement (GSA) is the perfect place to do this. This article will explain what a Governing Services Agreement is, whether you need one,...

"What Information Do We Collect" Clause in a Privacy Policy

Any business that collects consumers' personal information should have a comprehensive and clearly written Privacy Policy available on its website and apps. Your Privacy Policy should contain a few essential clauses, including sections about how you collect information, what you do with the information you collect, and a "what information do...

Subscriptions, Auto-Renewals, and Payments Clauses

Subscriptions, auto-renewals, and payments clauses in a Terms and Conditions agreement or other user agreement all contain essential information that any business that takes payments online or provides any kind of service that will automatically charge a customer's account on a regular basis needs to share with its users. Whether your...

"What Are Your Privacy Rights" Clause

A Privacy Policy aims to inform users of their rights in relation to the collection of their personal data, and how those rights can be exercised. To achieve this, your Privacy Policy should provide a clear summary of how you collect users' personal data, what you do with the personal data...