Blog: Legal Requirements

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Canada CTA Messaging Compliance

Businesses that use short codes to engage in Short Message Service (SMS)-based communication with Canadian residents should be aware of the Canadian Telecommunications Association's (CTA) requirements. This article explains what the CTA is, what it requires, who it applies to, and how to comply with its requirements. What is the CTA? The CTA,...

The California Automatic Renewal Law: What It Means for Businesses

California's Automatic Renewal Law (ARL) regulates businesses that sell recurring membership or subscription fees. It requires businesses to clearly disclose all recurring fees and notify customers of upcoming charges. This article will explain what the ARL is, who it applies to, who is exempt from it, how to comply with it,...

EU Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for Ecommerce Stores

If you trade within the European Union (EU), then you must inform customers that they can submit any contractual disputes relating to your goods or services to the EU's Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform. The platform, which has been in force since February 15, 2016, is designed to protect consumer rights...

Data Processing Agreement

In today's world, where data increasingly resembles currency, it's essential for businesses that collect or process consumers' personal data to maintain a Data Processing Agreement to comply with applicable privacy and data protection laws. This article explains what a Data Processing Agreement is, what laws require you to have one, how...

A2P 10DLC Compliance

A2P 10DLC is short for Application-to-Person 10-digit long code. It's a communication channel that allows businesses to send A2P messages to U.S. phone numbers using local 10-digit phone numbers. A2P 10DLC was introduced by major U.S. mobile carriers in 2021. The primary goal is to ensure that business-to-customer messages through regular...

Consent for Google Ads Personalization

Any business that uses Google Ads to create personalized advertisements directed at individuals who live in the European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland and/or the United Kingdom (UK) needs to be aware of Google's new consent requirements for ad personalization. This article explains why consent is necessary for Google Ads personalization, the...