Blog: Legal Requirements

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Privacy laws in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is a rapidly changing and growing economic area, and with economic growth comes new pressures and needs for legal guidance. Privacy is becoming increasingly important to consumers, and if you are operating a website or app in Southeast Asia, there are a number of recently introduced pieces of legislation...

Sample Privacy Policy for Google Analytics

If your website or mobile app uses Google Analytics, you definitely need to have a Privacy Policy. This article breaks down this requirement both legally and from Google, and explains how you can comply. We've also put together a Sample Google Analytics Privacy Policy Template that you can use to help...

4 Legal Documents Your e-Commerce Business Is Missing

Setting up your e-commerce store is exciting, but a lot of work. The last thing you may be thinking about is what kind of legal documents you need. Or maybe your store is already up and running, and you've suddenly realized that there are a few things that were overlooked. The four...

Legal Requirements for Email Marketing

Sending spam emails is illegal in almost every country. But email marketing is a crucial part of many companies' growth strategies. Getting the rules right is essential, because breaking the law on email marketing can attract regulatory action and harm your reputation. This article will explore the legal requirements for email...

Mobile App Privacy Policy Template

Your mobile app almost certainly requires a Privacy Policy because privacy laws require one when personal information is collected, Apple requires all iOS developers to publish a Privacy Policy, and Google requires almost all Android developers to publish one as well. This article contains some simple, step-by-step guides to creating a...

Privacy Policy for Mobile Games

Mobile games, especially those directed towards kids, are subject to special requirements when it comes to privacy practices and their Privacy Policy agreements. You'll need this kind of document even if you don't collect any personal data through the mobile game. Children are the primary users of many mobile games: in the...