Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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Privacy Policy for Business and Personal Development Coaches

If you're a business or personal development coach, you'll need to have a Privacy Policy if you collect any personal information from clients or prospective clients. This is because global privacy laws require this. This article will cover when and why business and personal development coaches need a Privacy Policy, and...

How to Keep Your App From Being Removed From the Apple App Store

If your business provides an app via Apple's App Store then there are certain requirements you need to be aware of in order to keep your app from being delisted. This article will take you through those requirements and teach you everything you need to know in order to keep your...

Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions for SMS Marketing

If you use SMS marketing then it is important that you are aware of and take appropriate steps to comply with applicable anti-spam and privacy laws, and that you have a Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions agreement. This article will cover what SMS marketing is and how it can be...

4 Reasons You Should Use a Privacy Policy Template

Privacy Policy templates are an effective, helpful tool that you can use to create a Privacy Policy for your website. They can provide you with detailed guidance while allowing full customization of a Privacy Policy, no matter what your business practices are or what industry you're in. This article will explain...

Privacy Policy for Capturing Audio Recordings

If you collect or capture audio recordings from your users, you'll need to have a Privacy Policy. This is because you're collecting personal data and must therefore observe certain privacy obligations and comply with privacy laws. With the growing concern for data protection in today's business climate and the consequent proliferation...

Privacy Policy for Personal Websites

A Privacy Policy isn't only necessary for large commercial websites. It's essential for any site that collects users' personal data. This includes blogs, personal brand sites, or online portfolios. In this article, we look at Privacy Policies for personal sites, including when to use one, how to write one, and what...