Blog: Privacy Policy Agreements

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CCPA (CPRA): Does a Privacy Policy Satisfy the "Notice at Collection" Requirement?

A big part of compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), as amended by the CPRA, is providing notice to consumers. The CCPA/CPRA's "notice at collection" requirement means that before you collect personal information from consumers, you must tell them what categories of personal information you are collecting and your...

Why Your Privacy Policy Needs to Mirror Your Privacy Practices

Your Privacy Policy needs to accurately disclose your privacy practices to the world and to legal authorities. This is a legal requirement, but it also helps make your company trustworthy in the eyes of the public. This article will explain why this is so important, and what stepsp you can take...

Google's "Data Disclosure" Policy

In January 2021, Google will be providing additional information to Chrome users when they browse extensions and other products in the Chrome Web Store. This information will include a detailed description of how each extension collects, uses, and shares user data. Google is also cracking down on how Chrome products collect...

Who Needs a Privacy Policy?

Any website, app or platform of any kind that collects or uses any type of personal information from its users needs a Privacy Policy. Personal information can be something as obvious as a name and email address. But it can also be less obvious information, such as the user's IP address....

Apple's New Opt-In Consent for Advertising Identifiers

Apple's iOS 14 will require developers to request opt-in consent before tracking users with Apple's ID for Advertisers (IDFA). Failing to abide by the new rules will be a serious violation of Apple's App Store Review Guidelines that could lead to the removal of your app. The new rule was first...

The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA)

On July 1, 2020, California's CCPA became enforceable. A few days prior, privacy advocacy group, "California for Consumer Privacy" (CFCP) declared it collected almost a million signatures to have the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) placed on the November 2020 ballot. Whether your business is in California or not, you should...