Blog: Disclaimer Agreements

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Legal Checklist for Businesses Using Social Media Influencers

Social media has drastically changed advertising. Along with the more conventional forms of marketing, such as print, TV, radio, and pay-per-click ads, businesses are buying the influence of social media personalities. Social media influencers could be a great way to promote your business online. However, before you begin advertising in this...

Why You Need a Social Media Policy

Social media has opened up new, highly effective forms of marketing. Your business can derive significant value from endorsements made by social media personalities, bloggers, and affiliate marketers. But this type of marketing is subject to considerable regulatory oversight. Following a spate of recent warnings, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is...

How to Add a Disclaimer to Your WordPress Site

Adding a disclaimer to your website is a simple yet effective way to communicate important information to your site visitors. Disclaimers can also help limit your legal liability in certain cases. While not every website or blog will necessarily need a disclaimer, some certainly should have one. Common types of websites...

How to Comply with California's Bot Disclosure Law

A new law in California will affect how businesses use bots. Bots are automated accounts that interact with users of websites, apps, and social media platforms. The Bot Disclosure Law could apply to your company whether you're based in California or not. If your company uses bots as part of its...

Disclaimers for Presentations

Presentations can benefit from disclaimers because they protect both the presenter and the event host from legal liabilities arising from the content of the presentation while informing the prestentation viewers of important information. We've put together a list of potential disclaimers to use in your presentations based on the content and...

Social Media Disclaimers

Having a social media presence for your business is important for branding and marketing, as well as connecting with potential and existing customers or clients. Maintaining business social media accounts comes with a lot of perks, but it can also come with some risks. Users may post defamatory comments or dangerous...