Blog: Disclaimer Agreements

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Disclaimers for Emails

An email disclaimer is the small print at the bottom of an email that communicates how recipients should use the material contained within the email. This article will go over what email disclaimers are used for, whether they are legally required, types of email disclaimers, and how you can draft your...

Copyright Laws and Linking to Sources

Links are an essential feature of the Internet and its functionality. They provide a structure for the vast amount of information available and are a key technique for SEO practices such as backlinking. They also enhance user experience by helping to navigate content and quickly access additional information on a...

Disclaimers for Wix Websites

Disclaimers are statements that limit your liability for any losses or damages that users may incur when using your website, app, products, or services. Wix is a software company that provides users with intuitive website building tools that can be used to build professional websites. This article will take you through...

Disclaimers for Health Coaches

As a health coach, you are committed to helping your clients create lifestyle changes that will improve their overall health. In order to help your clients achieve their goals, it's important that they know what they can expect from you and what your limitations are. Including disclaimers on your online platforms...

Disclaimers for Therapists

As a therapist, your priority is to provide a safe, confidential space for your clients. It's essential that you show potential clients that they can trust you by being upfront and clear about what they can expect from you and where your responsibility for their behavior ends. Including disclaimers on your...

Testimonial Disclaimer Sample

As an entrepreneur, executive, or marketer you know that getting your brand's name out there is essential. You also understand that it's important to build trust with potential customers. One way to do both things is by using testimonials on your website. Testimonials can be highly effective in helping potential customers...