Blog: Terms & Conditions Agreements

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Amendments to Terms and Conditions

You may have your legal agreements all neatly set up and have used good clickwrap methods such as tick boxes or "I agree" buttons to gain agreement to them. But what happens if you want to make an amendment or release a new version? Are your users still bound by your...

Legal Agreements for Blogs

When you decide to start a blog, you may need to do more than just start posting. Legal agreements for blogs may not be fun, but they're in some cases mandatory, and in all cases very important both for you and your blog visitors. Keep reading to determine if your blog needs...

Draft Limitation or Exclusion of Liability Clauses

Limitation of liability clauses are typically viewed by the courts as acceptable, while exclusion clauses are not. Courts in many jurisdictions look very carefully at these clauses, and so it's important to ensure that they are drafted reasonably and correctly or they might be overturned. In many Terms and Conditions agreements...

Ecommerce Terms & Conditions Template

Having a Terms and Conditions agreement in place for your ecommerce store can protect both you and your customers, while providing customers with confidence in their purchase decisions. While no law requires any ecommerce store to have a Terms and Conditions agreement (unlike the Privacy Policy that is required by law),...

Arbitration Clause in Terms & Conditions

Arbitration clauses are commonly used in general consumer contracts, but also in Terms and Conditions agreements (also known as Terms of Use or Terms of Service) for websites and mobile apps. Simply put, the arbitration clause requires that the two parties to an agreement will go through arbitration rather than either...

Terms of Service Model for Student Websites

Student data privacy has been a hot topic in the last year or so and is only expected to gain momentum as educational services, websites, and mobile apps infiltrate classrooms everywhere, with students of all ages from elementary grades to university levels. As new bills, laws and legislation get passed, it's...