Blog: Cookies Policy Agreements

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FAQ - Cookies for Businesses

There is a lot of confusion about cookies and what is required by a business that hopes to use them. In this FAQ, we'll be answering some common questions related to the use of cookies to help clarify some of the confusing nuances when it comes to laws, best practices...

Cookie Consent Outside of the EU

Most websites that have adopted a cookie consent solution like a cookie banner have done so in order to comply with European Union (EU) law. The EU places strict requirements on businesses who collect personal information about internet users within its borders. But what about countries outside of the EU? Almost...

GDPR Cookies Policy

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into full force in May of 2018. Businesses have been scrambling to comply - rewriting their Privacy Policies, deleting all traces of unnecessary personal data, and emailing their existing customers to refresh marketing consent. Perhaps the most noticeable sign of privacy practices...

Legal Agreements for Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective and accessible ways to grow your business. With the voice of several influencers and brands driving your products or services, you can quickly turn a profit from and expand a young business venture. Affiliate marketing leverages influencers to increase your business coverage. The...

Cookies Policy for Google Analytics

If your EU-based or EU-directed website or mobile app uses Google Analytics, you're required to have a Cookies Policy in place. In short, this is because the EU Cookies Directive requires a Cookies Policy, and the Google Analytics Terms of Service agreement requires users of the service to follow applicable laws. What...

Cookie Clauses For Your Privacy Policy

If your website or app uses cookies, your Privacy Policy must address cookies. This applies no matter where your business is located, or where you transact business. However, if your business is located in the EU or is directed towards people located in the EU and uses cookies, you'll need to...