Blog: Cookies Policy Agreements

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How to Add a Cookies Policy to Your WordPress Site

Adding a Cookies Policy to your WordPress website is an easy way to boost your legal compliance as well as your transparency with your website visitors. As more global privacy laws require you to disclose what cookies your website uses and for what purpose, having a Cookies Policy available now will...

How to Write a Cookies Opt-Out and Management Clause

Cookies are an important part of creating effective, personalized websites and apps. However, not all users want certain kinds of activity and information tracked by your website. Tightening regulations and changing user preferences mean that a Cookies Opt-Out and Management Clause is an important part of any complete Privacy Policy and...

How to Write a "What Cookies are Being Used For" Clause

Many Privacy Policies and Cookies Policies have a clause explaining what cookies are being used for. Including a clause like this both builds trust with users and may fulfill requirements for your policies. The clause may explain that the website uses cookies, what data the cookies take, how the site uses...

Cookies Policy vs Cookie Consent

A Cookies Policy and Cookie Consent are not the same thing. A Cookies Policy is a public statement that provides information to your website visitors about the user data your cookies track, why that information is being tracked, and where it is sent. Cookie Consent is when website users give you permission...

Legal Considerations Before Launching a New Website

Are you launching a new website? Whether it's a simple blog, an ecommerce store, or a community message board, you must consider your legal position. From privacy to consumer protection to copyright, there are many ways in which the law can affect website operators. This legal landscape might not be as daunting...

French Cookie Compliance 2021 Crackdown

Website operators offering services to people in the EU must comply with EU law. The relevant laws are the ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). These laws make it clear that the use of non-essential cookies requires opt-in consent. But many, if not most, websites remain non-compliant with...