Cara Hartley

Cara Hartley - Page 14

Legal writer at TermsFeed.

I am a freelance content writer with a passion for breaking down legal information so that it is educational, intriguing, and accessible. I specialize in simplifying complicated legal topics–such as which disclaimers to include in your legal policies and the impact of new privacy legislation on small businesses–so that you can easily apply the information to your company. When I'm not working to explain jargon and demystify dense topics, I'm either editing my paranormal fantasy WIP, practicing yoga, or hitting the beach with my family.

Termination of Service Clause

A termination clause is a section of a legal agreement (such as a Terms and Conditions agreement) that describes when an account can or will be terminated, such as when the agreed-upon terms are violated or if the user decides to discontinue the relationship (by stopping a subscription service, for...

How to Comply With CAN-SPAM

The CAN-SPAM Act applies to businesses that send commercial emails and has hefty financial penalties for anyone found in violation of the law. Businesses that send marketing emails need to be aware of the CAN-SPAM Act and take steps to ensure their emails comply with its rules. This article explains what...

Privacy Policy for Pinterest Advertising

Pinterest is a social media platform that enables users to curate and share images, GIFs, and videos through their account pinboards. Users can save pins to their boards and create customized digital scrapbooks. Pinterest's popularity continues to grow, and many merchants have found considerable success through its advertising services. Whenever Pinterest...

Legal Requirements for SaaS

If your business uses SaaS then there are specific legal requirements that you need to make sure to follow whenever you make any changes to your software or apps that affect how you handle users' privacy or personal information. This article will explain what SaaS is, the benefits of implementing SaaS...

Privacy Policy for WordPress Websites

If you run a WordPress website, you almost certainly will need a Privacy Policy. This is because if your site collects any personal information, privacy laws require a Privacy Policy, and WordPress requires that you comply with relevant laws when using its platform. This article will teach you why you need...

Legal Agreements for Marketplaces

Many international, federal, and state privacy laws require organizations that handle individuals' personal information to maintain clearly written and up-to-date legal policies on their websites and apps. Online marketplaces rely on the collection and processing of personal information to complete transactions between buyers and sellers, making legal policies a necessity for...