Cara Hartley

Cara Hartley - Page 2

Legal writer at TermsFeed.

I am a freelance content writer with a passion for breaking down legal information so that it is educational, intriguing, and accessible. I specialize in simplifying complicated legal topics–such as which disclaimers to include in your legal policies and the impact of new privacy legislation on small businesses–so that you can easily apply the information to your company. When I'm not working to explain jargon and demystify dense topics, I'm either editing my paranormal fantasy WIP, practicing yoga, or hitting the beach with my family.

Canada CTA Messaging Compliance

Businesses that use short codes to engage in Short Message Service (SMS)-based communication with Canadian residents should be aware of the Canadian Telecommunications Association's (CTA) requirements. This article explains what the CTA is, what it requires, who it applies to, and how to comply with its requirements. What is the CTA? The CTA,...

Addressing Third Parties and Service Providers in a Privacy Policy

Many jurisdictions require businesses to maintain Privacy Policies that inform users how they handle their personal information. Your Privacy Policy should let users know what third parties and service providers you use and how you share users' personal information, among other information. This article explains what a Privacy Policy is, common...

IAB Global Privacy Platform

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is a trade group that focuses on research and education about the importance of digital marketing. The IAB Technical Laboratory (IAB Tech Lab) is an arm of the IAB that develops technical solutions such as the IAB's Global Privacy Platform (GPP) to help businesses comply...

Data Processing Agreement

In today's world, where data increasingly resembles currency, it's essential for businesses that collect or process consumers' personal data to maintain a Data Processing Agreement to comply with applicable privacy and data protection laws. This article explains what a Data Processing Agreement is, what laws require you to have one, how...

California Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA)

The California Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA) is an older privacy law that was passed to protect California residents from wiretapping and eavesdropping on landline phones. Modern courts have argued that the law could be interpreted to cover certain forms of third-party technology, such as internet session software and chat...

Privacy Policy for Portfolio Websites

Many entrepreneurs, and particularly freelancers, use portfolio websites to display their projects and demonstrate their capabilities to prospective clients. Business owners who use their portfolio websites to collect visitors' personal data should have a Privacy Policy to help ensure compliance with applicable privacy and data protection laws. This article explains what...