Cara Hartley

Cara Hartley - Page 6

Legal writer at TermsFeed.

I am a freelance content writer with a passion for breaking down legal information so that it is educational, intriguing, and accessible. I specialize in simplifying complicated legal topics–such as which disclaimers to include in your legal policies and the impact of new privacy legislation on small businesses–so that you can easily apply the information to your company. When I'm not working to explain jargon and demystify dense topics, I'm either editing my paranormal fantasy WIP, practicing yoga, or hitting the beach with my family.

American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA)

While many U.S. state laws provide privacy protection for the residents of the relevant state, the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) is a bipartisan bill that is set to become the first comprehensive federal privacy legislation that protects the privacy of all U.S. consumers. This article will explain what...


The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) was voted into law in November 2020, and amends several parts of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which is California's most comprehensive privacy law. The CPRA is also referred to as "CCPA 2.0" or "CCPA, as amended." The primary ways that the CPRA changes...

How to Keep Your App From Being Removed From the Apple App Store

If your business provides an app via Apple's App Store then there are certain requirements you need to be aware of in order to keep your app from being delisted. This article will take you through those requirements and teach you everything you need to know in order to keep your...

Subscriptions, Auto-Renewals, and Payments Clauses

Subscriptions, auto-renewals, and payments clauses in a Terms and Conditions agreement or other user agreement all contain essential information that any business that takes payments online or provides any kind of service that will automatically charge a customer's account on a regular basis needs to share with its users. Whether your...

Michigan Personal Data Privacy Act

Michigan is one of many states working to pass laws that protect residents' privacy rights and outline businesses' responsibilities when handling individuals' personal information. This article will take you through what the Michigan Personal Data Privacy Act is, who it applies to, the steps you can take to ensure compliance with...

Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions for SMS Marketing

If you use SMS marketing then it is important that you are aware of and take appropriate steps to comply with applicable anti-spam and privacy laws, and that you have a Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions agreement. This article will cover what SMS marketing is and how it can be...