Cara Hartley

Cara Hartley

Legal writer at TermsFeed.

I am a freelance content writer with a passion for breaking down legal information so that it is educational, intriguing, and accessible. I specialize in simplifying complicated legal topics–such as which disclaimers to include in your legal policies and the impact of new privacy legislation on small businesses–so that you can easily apply the information to your company. When I'm not working to explain jargon and demystify dense topics, I'm either editing my paranormal fantasy WIP, practicing yoga, or hitting the beach with my family.

Consent Requirements for Mobile Games

Owners of mobile games may be required to get consent from users before collecting, using, or disclosing their personal information. Failure to do so can result in fines, legal issues, loss of consumer trust, and possibly the removal of your mobile game from app store distribution. Here's what you should know...

Privacy Policy for RingCentral SMS/MMS Content Policies

Businesses that use RingCentral to send short message service (SMS) or multimedia messaging service (MMS) messages must maintain a Privacy Policy to comply with its SMS/MMS Content Policies. This article explains what RingCentral's SMS/MMS Content Policies require, what to include in your Privacy Policy to comply with RingCentral's requirements, and what...

Licensing for Open Source Software

Maintaining a software licensing agreement for your open source software can help communicate expectations and limitations of how your software should be used. This article explains what open source software is, the benefits and drawbacks of open source software for users and developers, and how developers can create an open source...

California AB 2426: Consumer Protection: False Advertising: Digital Goods

California AB 2426 was approved by California Governor Gavin Newsom on September 24, 2024. The law is designed to protect California consumers from false advertising as it applies to digital goods. This article will explain what this law is, who it applies to, and how to comply with it. What is California...

Saudi Arabia Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL)

Saudi Arabia joined a growing number of countries that have enacted privacy and data protection laws with its Personal Data Protection Law (PDPL), which took effect on September 14th, 2023. This article explains what the PDPL is, who it applies to, how to comply with the PDPL, and what happens if...

GDPR With No Data Collection

Organizations that collect or use European Union (EU) residents' personal data must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). But what about the owners of websites and apps that don't collect data? This article explains whether the GDPR applies if you don't collect data and how to comply with the...