Jocelyn Mackie - Page 10

Former civil litigation attorney. Content legal strategist at TermsFeed.

SaaS Agreement

If you offer a software as a service (SaaS) app, it is likely easier for you to combine all your legal agreements into one: the SaaS Agreement. Many SaaS apps contain a number of legal agreements including Terms and Conditions (T&C) or Terms of Service (ToS), a Privacy Policy, Disclaimers, and...

Australia Privacy Act of 1988

If your business is registered in Australia or you have customers or end users in the Australian market, you must comply with Australia's Privacy Act of 1988. This article looks at what this act requires while giving you practical steps and best practies for how to comply, including a breakdown of...


If your promotions fall under the sweepstakes category, you will need to draft a specialized Terms and Conditions agreement. Here is how to know whether your promotion is a sweepstakes and whether it is subject to FTC scrutiny. Running sweepstakes creates an exciting promotion effort but you need to proceed with...

Privacy by Design

Your privacy protection practices go beyond having a good Privacy Policy. That's just one tool to protecting your company from liability and communicating expectations with users, but it's not effective if you do not have the business policies to back it up. That is where Privacy by Design (PbD) enters the picture....

Disclaimer Template

A Disclaimer on your app or website is often the best way to address specific points of liability that could fall outside a Terms and Conditions or a Privacy Policy agreement. This article will discuss some of the most common and important disclaimers and what purposes they serve while showing examples...

Effective Date in Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

If you subscribe to apps, it's not uncommon to receive emails regarding updated Privacy Policies or Terms & Conditions (T&C). Most agreements contain a date of when the revised terms became effective or finalized. Often generally referred to as the effective date, this is traditionally the date contract terms become enforceable. While...