Jocelyn Mackie - Page 8

Former civil litigation attorney. Content legal strategist at TermsFeed.

Time Limits for a Return & Refund Policy

Even if you run a successful ecommerce or retail business, there will be customers who are dissatisfied with their purchase. A Return and Refund Policy offers them a remedy when they face these situations. It helps your business bottom line too by showing that you care. Your policy also affects your...

How to Decline Refunds by Email

If you sell products or services online, it's only a matter of time before someone requests a refund. If you wish to reserve the right to decline refund requests, there are a few things you can do to help the process go smoothly. This article will help you understand how to...

How to License Software

Your choice of a license agreement for software application depends on on what you wish to grant to a user. While most software apps only use the End-User License Agreement (EULA), there are open source licenses that give users more discretion on how they use a software's code. This article is...

India IT Act of 2000 (Information Technology Act)

India's IT Act 2000 covers offenses involving computers, computer systems, or computer networks in India. It also makes acts like hacking, data theft, spreading of computer viruses, identity theft, defamation (sending offensive messages), pornography, child pornography, and cyber terrorism criminal offenses, and gives legal validity to electronic contracts and recognition...

Australia Privacy Act of 1988

If your business is registered in Australia or you have customers or end users in the Australian market, you must comply with Australia's Privacy Act of 1988. This article looks at what this act requires while giving you practical steps and best practies for how to comply, including a breakdown of...

Terms and Conditions for Sweepstakes

If your promotions fall under the sweepstakes category, you'll want to draft a specialized Terms and Conditions agreement. Companies frequently face trouble with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) when they are not upfront or they make large unattainable promises. This article will explain what the legal requirements are around sweepstakes, and how...