Videos - Page 14

Legal content in easy to understand videos.

How to Add Free Cookie Consent on BigCommerce

Steps Go to our Free Cookie Consent Solution page to start creating the Cookie Consent code that's necessary to show the notice banner on BigCommerce. Log in to BigCommerce. From the Dashboard, go to the Storefront: Under Theme, go to the Advanced: Select Make a Copy: Name the theme and click Save a Copy: When...

How to Link to Return and Refund Policy on BigCommerce

Steps Log in to BigCommerce. From the BigCommerce Dashboard, go to the Storefront: Select Web Pages: Click the Create a Web Page button: Under the Page Type, select the Link to another website or document option: Type "Return and Refund Policy" as the Page Name under Web Page Details: Add the link next to the...

How to Add a Return and Refund Policy on BigCommerce

Steps Log in to BigCommerce. From the BigCommerce Dashboard, go to the Storefront: Select Web Pages: Click the Create a Web Page button: Under Page Type, leave the default: Contain content created using the WYSIWYG editor below: Type "Return and Refund Policy" as the Page Name under Web Page Details: In the Page...

How to Link to Disclaimer on BigCommerce

Here are the steps to add a Disclaimer URL on BigCommerce: Log in to BigCommerce. From the BigCommerce Dashboard, go to the Storefront: Select Web Pages: Click the Create a Web Page button: Under the Page Type, select the Link to another website or document option: Type "Disclaimer" as the Page Name under Web Page...

How to Add a Disclaimer on BigCommerce

Here are the steps to add a Disclaimer page on BigCommerce: Steps Log in to BigCommerce. From the BigCommerce Dashboard, go to the Storefront: Select Web Pages: Click the Create a Web Page button: Under the Page Type, select the Link to another website or document option: Type "Disclaimer" as the Page Name under Web Page...

How to Link to Cookies Policy on BigCommerce

Steps Here are the steps to add a Cookies Policy URL on BigCommerce: Log in to BigCommerce. From the BigCommerce Dashboard, go to the Storefront: Select Web Pages: Click the Create a Web Page button: Under the Page Type, select the Link to another website or document option: Type "Cookies Policy" as the Page Name under...