
  1. Go to our Free Cookie Consent Solution page to start creating the Cookie Consent code that's necessary to show the notice banner on your Strikingly website.

  2. Log in to your Strikingly account.

  3. Click Edit:

    TermsFeed Strikingly - Edit

  4. Under Edit Site, go to Settings:

    TermsFeed Strikingly: Edit Sites - Settings

  5. When the settings options open, click on Show Advanced:

    TermsFeed Strikingly: Edit Sites - Settings - Show Advanced

  6. Select Custom Code:

    TermsFeed Strikingly: Edit Sites - Settings - Advanced - Custom Code option

  7. Switch to the Footer Code tab:

    TermsFeed Strikingly: Edit Sites - Settings - Advanced - Custom Code - Footer Code tab

  8. Paste the code in the field:

    TermsFeed Strikingly: Edit Sites - Settings - Advanced - Custom Code - Footer Code tab - Paste

  9. Click Save:

    TermsFeed Strikingly: Edit Sites - Settings - Advanced - Custom Code - Footer Code tab - Pasted - Save

  10. Click Publish:

    TermsFeed Strikingly: Edit Sites - Settings - Advanced - Custom Code - Footer Code tab - Pasted - Saved - Publish

  11. If you haven't set the payment gateway, an info window will show. Select the No, Publish anyway option:

    TermsFeed Strikingly: Edit Sites - Settings - Advanced - Custom Code - Footer Code tab - Pasted - Saved - Publish - no

  12. The Congrats window will show. Go to your website:

    TermsFeed Strikingly: Edit Sites - Settings - Advanced - Custom Code - Published - link

  13. The EU cookie notification is now displayed on your Strikingly website:

    TermsFeed Strikingly: Published - Free Cookie Consent Notification Banner displayed