The instructions below can be roughly separated into the following smaller tasks (sections/parts):

  1. Add a new Article
  2. Create a new Menu
  3. Add a new Module and position the Menu through the Module
  4. Connect the Article with the Menu

The above concepts (ie. Article, Menu, Module) are similar to other platforms such as WordPress:

  • Article(s) → equivalent to Page(s) in other platforms
  • Module(s) → equivalent to a container that displays content (Menus) on a chosen position
  • Menu → equivalent to navigation in other platforms

Here are the steps to add a Privacy Policy page on Joomla 4:

  1. Log in to your Joomla website.

  2. Let's start with the first step - add a new page on the Joomla 4 site.

    From the Joomla's Dashboard, go to Content:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Dashboard with the Content highlighted

  3. From the Content menu, select Articles:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Dashboard with the Content - Articles highlighted

  4. From the Articles page, click on the + New button:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Dashboard with the Content - Articles - New highlighted

  5. The New Article editor page will open. Each article needs to have a Title and a Category. Type Privacy Policy in the Title field:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Articles - New - Privacy Policy title added highlighted

  6. In the Content section, under Article text, click on the three dots to expand the Article editor:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Articles - New - Privacy Policy - Expand editor highlighted

  7. Click on the code (<>) icon to open the source code editor:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Articles - New - Privacy Policy - Expanded editor - Code icon highlighted

  8. Add the Privacy Policy HTML code in the source code editor.

    If you do not have a Privacy Policy, you can use our Privacy Policy Generator and create it within minutes.

    Once you have the Privacy Policy created by TermsFeed, let's get the policy text. Under the Copy your Privacy Policy section, click on Copy this to clipboard:

    TermsFeed App: Privacy Policy Download page - Copy your Privacy Policy section highlighted

  9. Paste the generated Privacy Policy HTML code in the Source code editor:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Articles - New - Privacy Policy - Source Code Editor - Paste highlighted

  10. Click OK:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Articles - New - Privacy Policy - Source Code Editor - OK highlighted

  11. The HTML text of your Privacy Policy is displayed in the WYSIWYG editor. Since all Articles need to be in at least one category (otherwise it will be automatically added to the Uncategorized category) we created a new category named Legal. On the right side, under the Category section, click on the dropdown menu and select it:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Articles - New - Privacy Policy - Text added - Category Legal highlighted

  12. In the top menu, click on the Save & Close button:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Articles - New - Privacy Policy - Text added - Save and close button highlighted

    You're done. A new Article is created and added to the Legal category.

  13. Now let's create the Menu. From the website's Dashboard, go to Menus:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Dashboard - Menu highlighted

  14. From the Menus menu, select Manage:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Dashboard - Menu - Manage highlighted

  15. From the Menus Editor page, click on the + New button:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Dashboard - Menu - Manage - New highlighted

  16. The Add Menus editor page will open. Fill in the required fields: Title and Unique Name. For this example, we named both as Footer Menu:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Dashboard - Menu -New - Add - Title and Unique name - Footer menu added highlighted

  17. Click Save & Close:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Dashboard - Menu -New - added - Save and Close highlighted

  18. The new Footer Menu has been created. Now continue to add a Module for this Menu.

    To add a new Module to the Menu, go back to your website's Dashboard and select Content:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: New menu added - Back to Dashboard - Content highlighted

  19. Select Site Modules:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Dashboard -Content - Site Modules highlighted

  20. From the Modules (Site) editor page, click the + New button:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Site Modules - New highlighted

  21. A list of Modules will open. Scroll down and select the Menu module:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Site Modules - New - Menu selected highlighted

  22. Name your Module using the Title field. We used the Footer Menu in our example here:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Site Modules - New - Menu - Title highlighted

  23. On the right side, under the Position section, click on the dropdown menu and select the desired menu position. For this example, we selected the Footer position for our Footer Menu:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Site Modules - New - Menu - Position - None to Footer change highlighted

  24. Click Save & Close:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Site Modules - New - Menu - Title and Position selected - Save and Close highlighted

  25. Now, as a last step, we need to link the Article to the Menu. In order to add your page (Article) to the footer menu, you need to go back to the Dashboard and go to the Menus (again):

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Site Modules - added - Dashboard - Menu highlighted

  26. Select the newly created Footer Menu from the Site menus:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Dashboard - Menu - Footer Menu highlighted

  27. From the Menu Items editor page, click on the + New button:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Dashboard - Menu - Footer Menu - Items - New highlighted

  28. Name your New Menu Item using the Title field. Since we want to add our Privacy Policy page (Article) to the Footer Menu, we named this new menu item Privacy Policy:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Footer Menu - Items - New - Privacy Policy title added highlighted

  29. From the Details section, click on the Select button to add a new menu type:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Footer Menu - Items - New - Details section - Select highlighted

  30. From the new Menu Item Type window, select Articles:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Footer Menu - Items - New - Details section - Select - Type - Articles highlighted

  31. Select Single Article:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Footer Menu - Items - New - Details section - Select - Type - Articles - Single highlighted

  32. The Select Article field will appear. It has 2 options: Select or Create. For this example, we used the Select option.

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Footer Menu - Items - New - Details section - Select - Type - Articles - Single - select Article highlighted

  33. The Select an Article window will open with a list of all Articles created on your website. Select the Privacy Policy Article:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Footer Menu - Items - New - Details section - Select - Type - Articles - Single - select Article - Privacy Policy highlighted

  34. From the same Menu Item editor page, go to the Page Display tab to adjust the settings:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Footer Menu - Items - New - Title and Type selected - Page Display section highlighted

  35. Under the Page Display tab, at the Show Page Heading, select the Hide option.

    The HTML code that is added as part of the Privacy Policy page (article) already has a page heading, so you do not need it to be displayed twice. That's the purpose of the Hide option.

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Footer Menu - Items - New - Page Display section - Show Page Heading - Hide selected highlighted

  36. Click Save & Close:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Footer Menu - Items - New - Privacy Policy article type added - Save and Close highlighted

  37. The Privacy Policy Article is now added as a new item to the Footer Menu. To preview changes, go to the Preview button at the top menu:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Footer Menu - Items - New - Privacy Policy article type added - the Preview button highlighted

  38. You're done!

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: The Preview of the website Footer with the Privacy Policy displayed highlighted