
  1. Go to our Free Cookie Consent Solution page to start creating the Cookie Consent code that's necessary to show the notice banner on your Duda website.

  2. Log in to Duda and go to the Pen icon to edit your website in Duda's dashboard:

    TermsFeed Duda: Dashboard with Edit website option highlighted

  3. Go to Settings:

    TermsFeed Duda: Dashboard - Settings highlighted

  4. Under Site Settings, select Head HTML:

    TermsFeed Duda Dashboard - Settings - Head HTML highlighted

  5. Under the Body end HTML, paste the generated code:

    TermsFeed Duda Dashboard - Settings - Head HTML - Body end HTML - Paste highlighted

  6. Click Save:

    TermsFeed Duda Dashboard - Settings - Head HTML - Body end HTML - Pasted - Save highlighted

  7. You're done. The Free Cookie Consent notice banner is displayed on your Duda website:

    TermsFeed Duda Website - Cookie Consent banner displayed highlighted

  8. You can use the Preview option to see the look of the banner on all devices:

    TermsFeed Duda Preview  - Cookie Consent banner displayed on all devices highlighted