
  1. Go to our Free Cookie Consent Solution page to start creating the Cookie Consent code that's necessary to show the notice banner on BigCommerce.

  2. Log in to BigCommerce. From the Dashboard, go to the Storefront:

    TermsFeed BigCommerce: Dashboard with Storefront option selected

  3. Under Theme, go to the Advanced:

    TermsFeed BigCommerce: Storefront - Theme - Advanced option selected

  4. Select Make a Copy:

    TermsFeed BigCommerce: Storefront - Theme - Advanced - Make a Copy option selected

  5. Name the theme and click Save a Copy:

    TermsFeed BigCommerce: Storefront - Theme - Advanced - Make a Copy - Name theme and Save a Copy option selected

  6. When the processing is done, click on the three dots and select Apply:

    TermsFeed BigCommerce: Storefront - Theme - Copied - Apply option selected

  7. The copied theme will show above as the Current Theme. Go to Advanced again and select the Edit Theme Files option:

    TermsFeed BigCommerce: Storefront - Theme - Copied - Advanced - Edit Theme Files option selected

  8. The Stencil File Editor will open. Go to the Templates > Components > Common:

    TermsFeed BigCommerce: Stencil File Editor - Templates - Components - Common selected

  9. Under Common, find footer.html and click on it. It will open the footer.html file in the new window:

    TermsFeed BigCommerce: Stencil File Editor - Templates - Components - Common - Footer selected

  10. Paste the generated Cookie Consent before the end of the footer tag and click the Save and Apply file button at the bottom:

    TermsFeed BigCommerce: Stencil File Editor - Footer - Paste the Free Cookie Consent code and click the Save and Apply file button highlighted

  11. Click Apply on the info message:

    TermsFeed BigCommerce: Stencil File Editor - Footer - Pasted - Save and Apply file - Apply button highlighted

  12. Go back to the Dashboard editor and click the View Store to preview changes:

    TermsFeed BigCommerce: Dashboard - View Store selected

  13. You're done. The free Cookie Consent notice banner is displayed on the BigCommerce website:

    TermsFeed BigCommerce: Preview - The Free Cookie Consent Banner displayed