Blog - Page 17

Legal articles in easy to understand language.

Terms and Conditions for Personal Sites

When you create a personal website, you are responsible for setting the terms and the conditions of using that site. A Terms and Conditions agreement (T&C), also known as a Terms of Service or Terms of Use, establishes the rules that users must follow when accessing and using your site. It...

Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)

If you're a business owner, then you know that dealing with customer returns can sometimes be a huge hassle. That's why it's in your best interest to understand the entire return and refund process, including how you can use return merchandise authorization (RMA) numbers to track returns and ensure you...

Return and Refund Policy for Wix

Any business that sells goods or services should maintain a Return and Refund Policy on its website. A Return and Refund Policy informs consumers about how and under what conditions they can initiate a return or request a refund. Wix is a software company that enables people to build their own...

Privacy Policy for Personal Websites

A Privacy Policy isn't only necessary for large commercial websites. It's essential for any site that collects users' personal data. This includes blogs, personal brand sites, or online portfolios. In this article, we look at Privacy Policies for personal sites, including when to use one, how to write one, and what...

Disclaimers for Wix Websites

Disclaimers are statements that limit your liability for any losses or damages that users may incur when using your website, app, products, or services. Wix is a software company that provides users with intuitive website building tools that can be used to build professional websites. This article will take you through...

District of Columbia Uniform Personal Data Protection Act of 2021: Bill 24-451

Note: This act did not pass and died in committee in 2021. The Uniform Law Commission (ULC) voted to endorse the Uniform Personal Data Protection Act (UPDPA) in July of 2021. The UPDPA is a prototype data privacy law designed to be sponsored in state legislatures throughout the United States that...