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Legal articles in easy to understand language.

The 4 Steps to Enforce a Legal Agreement

It's widely known that it's good (and oftentimes legally required) to have a wide range of legal agreements for your websites and mobile apps. If you have a website or app with members-only sections, it's easier to cancel accounts of abusive users if users are given notice that by logging in...

Browsewrap vs. Clickwrap

Browsewrap and clickwrap are different methods used for binding users to a set of terms. Clickwrap obtains active, overt consent for something, while browsewrap obtains implied consent that isn't always legally binding. It's important for business owners to understand the difference between browsewrap and clickwrap and what makes a legal agreement...

Update Notice for Changes in Legal Agreements

When you update any of your legal agreements, be it a Privacy Policy or a Terms and Conditions agreement (also known as Terms of Use or Terms of Service), you should notify users about the upcoming changes and how these changes would affect them and their accounts with your website...

Meet Facebook's new Privacy Policy

Facebook announced that their Privacy Policy and Terms of Use agreements, along with their Data Policy and Cookie Policy would be updated soon. Erin Egan, Facebook's Chief Privacy Officer, says: We're also proposing updates to our terms, data policy, and cookies policy to reflect new features we've been working on. And we're...

TinyCo and Yelp and COPPA: Why you should comply

COPPA is a U.S. law that requires you to obtain parental consent for collection and use of personal information from children below 13 years of age. What is COPPA The COPPA law (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act), which operates under the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), was passed by the US Congress in...

Terms & Conditions Template

A Terms and Conditions agreement is where you let the public know the terms, rules and guidelines for using your website or mobile app. They include topics such as acceptable use, restricted behavior and limitations of liability. This article will get you started with creating your own custom Terms and Conditions...