Here are the steps to add a Free Cookie Consent Banner on a Joomla 4 website:

  1. Go to our Free Cookie Consent Solution page to start creating the Cookie Consent code that's necessary to show the notice banner on your Joomla website.

  2. Log in to your Joomla website.

  3. From the Joomla's Dashboard, go to System:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Dashboard with the System option highlighted

  4. Under Templates, select Site Templates:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: System Dashboard - Templates - Site Templates highlighted

  5. The Template Editor will open with the available templates. Click on the one you'd like to change at the Details and Files:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Site Templates - Cassiopeia template highlighted

  6. The Template: Customize (Cassiopeia) Editor will open. Select index.php:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Site Templates - Cassiopeia template editor - files - index.php highlighted

  7. The Editing Template files editor will open. Scroll down through the code, and paste the generated Cookie Consent code before the end of the </body> tag:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Site Templates - Cassiopeia template editor - files - index.php - file code editor - Paste the generated Cookie Consent code before end of the body tag highlighted

  8. Click Save & Close:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Site Templates - Cassiopeia template editor - files - index.php - file code editor - The generated Cookie Consent code added - Save and Close highlighted

  9. Go to preview to see the banner:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: Site Templates - Cassiopeia template editor - files - index.php - edits saved - The preview highlighted

  10. You're done. The Cookie Consent Notice Banner is now displayed on your Joomla website:

    TermsFeed Joomla 4: The preview with the Cookie Consent Notice Banner displayed highlighted