In the examples below, we'll use a website powered by WordPress. If your website uses a different CMS, the steps remain relatively the same:

  • Go to where the generated code of the Cookie Consent has been added. Usually, that's the header or footer part of your website.
  • Adding a button or link with the ID "open_preferences_center" and place it where you need it (ie. footer). This button or link would allow your website visitors to change their cookie preferences.


  1. Go to your website. If you use WordPress, go to Appearance and click on Theme File Editor:

    TermsFeed WordPress: Dashboard - Appearance with Theme File Editor option highlighted

  2. In the Edit Themes section from Theme files on the right side, choose footer.php:

    TermsFeed WordPress: Theme File Editor - Theme File with footer.php option highlighted

  3. Scroll down up to the </body> tag. In our example here, the Cookie Consent code has already been generated and added:

    TermsFeed WordPress:Theme File with footer.php and Cookie Consent code highlighted

  4. Add a link or a button that will open the Preferences Center so that website visitors can change their preferences any time.

    For example, to add a simple link with the text "Open Cookie Preference," add this HTML:

    <a href="#" id="open_preferences_center">Open Cookie Preferences</a>

    Note that it's important to add in the "id" parameter with the value "open_preferences_center."

    TermsFeed WordPress: Theme File with footer.php and Cookie Consent code with added Open Preference Center link option highlighted

  5. Click on Update file:

    TermsFeed WordPress: footer.php and Cookie Consent code - added Preferences Center button with Update file button highlighted

  6. Done! The footer section of your website will now include a link titled "Open Cookie Preferences."

    TermsFeed WordPress: Preview Cookie Consent with Open Preferences Center link highlighted

  7. Clicking on this link will allow website visitors to open the Cookie Consent Preferences Center:

    TermsFeed WordPress: Preferences Center of Cookie Consent highlighted