
  1. Go to our Free Cookie Consent Solution page to start creating the Cookie Consent code that's necessary to show the notice banner on Blogger.

  2. Go to Blogger and log in. (Note: You'll need to have a Google account). From Blogger's Dashboard, go to Theme:

    TermsFeed Blogger: Dashboard - Theme

  3. Next to your current theme, click the Customize button:

    TermsFeed Blogger: Dashboard - Theme - Open Customize options

  4. Select Edit HTML:

    TermsFeed Blogger: Dashboard - Theme - Customize - Edit HTML highlighted

  5. Scroll down to the </body> and paste generated Free Cookie Consent code before </body> tag ends:

    TermsFeed Blogger: Dashboard - Theme - Customize - Edit HTML - Paste Cookie Consent code highlighted

  6. Click the Save icon (in the upper right corner):

    TermsFeed Blogger: Dashboard - Theme - Customize - Edit HTML - Cookie Consent code added - Save button highlighted

  7. To see the changes, go to View blog from the Dashboard menu:

    TermsFeed Blogger: Dashboard - Theme - View blog highlighted

  8. You're done. The free Cookie Consent notice banner is displayed on your Blogger website:

    TermsFeed Blogger: Website View - The Free Cookie Consent Banner displayed highlighted