Blog - Page 112

Legal articles in easy to understand language.

Legal Requirements for Device Finterprinting

Cookies have been used extensively since the mid-1990s by operators of websites. These small files that get placed on your computer or mobile device were at one point in time the choice tool used for creating custom and relevant online advertising, and for tracking certain usage habits of visitors...

Privacy guidelines for health apps

It's important to be aware if your business is processing health data from users through the website or mobile app you're developing. If you are collecting health data, you'll need to comply with stricter rules when handling the personal data being processed from your users and your Privacy Policy must be...

4 Legal Documents Your e-Commerce Business Is Missing

Setting up your e-commerce store is exciting, but a lot of work. The last thing you may be thinking about is what kind of legal documents you need. Or maybe your store is already up and running, and you've suddenly realized that there are a few things that were overlooked. The four...

Terms of Service Model for Student Websites

Student data privacy has been a hot topic in the last year or so and is only expected to gain momentum as educational services, websites, and mobile apps infiltrate classrooms everywhere, with students of all ages from elementary grades to university levels. As new bills, laws and legislation get passed, it's...

Legal Requirements for Email Marketing

Sending spam emails is illegal in almost every country. But email marketing is a crucial part of many companies' growth strategies. Getting the rules right is essential, because breaking the law on email marketing can attract regulatory action and harm your reputation. This article will explore the legal requirements for email...

What is Safe Harbor

In October of 1998, the European Commission's Directive on Data Protection went into effect and started to prohibit any transfer of personal data about any European citizen to any non-European Union countries that fail to meet the European Union's standard for what is considered to be adequate privacy protection. The approach...