
  1. Log in to your Brevo account. From the Dashboard, go to Conversations:

    TermsFeed Brevo - Dashboard - Conversations

  2. Select Settings:

    TermsFeed Brevo - Dashboard - Conversations - Settings

  3. Select Contact form:

    TermsFeed Brevo - Dashboard - Conversations - Settings - Contact form

  4. Scroll down to the Visitors consent section:

    TermsFeed Brevo - Conversations - Settings - Contact form - Visitors consent

  5. Enable the "Request consent to your terms" option.

    It will open a new content field that says: "I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of this website."

    To add links to your legal agreements, you'll need to follow the instructions for which format to use.

    TermsFeed Brevo - Conversations - Settings - Contact form - Visitors consent to terms enabled

  6. If you do not have your legal policies, you can use TermsFeed generators to create them.

    Privacy Policy Generator

    Terms and Conditions Generator

    To get a Privacy Policy URL link, go to the TermsFeed Privacy Policy Generator to create a Privacy Policy and get the hosted Privacy Policy URL.

    Once you have a Privacy Policy created by TermsFeed, click Copy from the Link to your Privacy Policy section to copy the URL:

    TermsFeed Generators App: Privacy Policy Download Page - Link to hosted Privacy Policy URL copy option highlighted

    Go to the TermsFeed Terms and Conditions Generator to create the Terms and Conditions and get a free hosted Terms and Conditions URL webpage.

    In the Link to your Terms and Conditions section, click on the green Copy button:

    TermsFeed Generators App: Terms and Conditions Download Page - Link to hosted Terms and Conditions URL copy option highlighted

  7. You can enable the second option to "Request consent to your marketing communications" if needed:

    TermsFeed Brevo - Conversations - Settings - Contact form - Visitors consent to marketing communications enabled

  8. To see changes, go to the Chat widget:

    TermsFeed Brevo - Conversations - Settings - Contact form - Visitors consent updated - Chat widget

  9. The Chat widget opens. You can see the preview of your chatbot with checkboxes to consent to your legal pages and marketing communications displayed to user after the form is filled:

    TermsFeed Brevo - Conversations - Settings - Contact form - Chat widgtet preview of the Chatbot with Visitors consent displayed