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Legal articles in easy to understand language.

Age of Consent Under Privacy Laws

Under privacy laws, the age of consent is the minimum age at which a person can legally consent to a data processing activity. From this age and above, kids can (by themselves) permit a company to collect and use their personal information. The age of consent varies from law to law,...

Google Consent Mode vs Google Additional Consent Mode

Google Consent Mode and Google Additional Consent Mode are two important privacy settings in Google's ecosystem. They're designed to help Google and its users align their consent practices with the requirements of EU privacy and consumer protection laws. Though they sound similar, Consent Mode and Additional Consent Mode are separate technical...

California Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA)

The California Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA) is an older privacy law that was passed to protect California residents from wiretapping and eavesdropping on landline phones. Modern courts have argued that the law could be interpreted to cover certain forms of third-party technology, such as internet session software and chat...

What Are Functional Cookies?

Virtually every website uses cookies. That's because, in many cases, a website simply won't work properly without the presence of certain types of cookies. One such type of cookie is a "functional" cookie. Below, we explore what functional cookies are, what purpose they serve, and whether you need consent to install...

First-Party Cookies vs Third-Party Cookies

If you're a marketer or website owner, there's a good chance you use cookies on your website. Cookies are often required for websites to work properly and they can enhance the user experience. However, not all cookies are created equal. Internet cookies can be grouped into two main categories: First and...

Best Consent Management Platforms

Choosing the right Consent Management Platform (CMP) will ensure you stay compliant with privacy laws while offering an excellent user experience. This article will take a look at some of the best consent management platforms offered today, with information about pricing, pros and cons of each platform. What is a Consent...