Sara Pegarella

Sara Pegarella - Page 5

Widener University School of Law graduate, Managing Legal Editor at TermsFeed.

Sara graduated from Widener University School of Law in 2010, and has a B.A. in English/writing. After years of technical/legal writing and compliance consulting, she began focusing on editing, and managing teams of writers. She's also a certified Integrative Health Practitioner and health coach. When not finding typos, she's gardening, reading, listening to health and biohacking podcasts, and spending time in nature.

Disclosures for Affiliate Links

An affiliate link disclosure is a statement that informs your users about an affiliate relationship you engage in. It lets them know that you are being compensated in some way for your promotion of a company or product via a link. It's legally required in many circumstances. This article will break down...

Terms & Conditions for Objectionable Content

Objectionable content is content that most users would find to be offensive, upsetting, or inappropriate. If you run a website/mobile app that allows user-generated content such as posts, comments and other ways that your users can interact, you're going to want to retain the right to remove any objectionable content that...

Privacy Policy for Chatbots

A chatbot is a computer program that mimics chatting with a real person. This form of artificial intelligence is used often in web applications to conduct customer service and collect information via chat. Because of the personal data collected through a chatbot, a Privacy Policy might be mandatory. If you have an...

How to Write a Blog Disclaimer

A disclaimer is typically a short paragraph that works to protect your business, services, information, physical property and intellectual property from different types of abuses, liabilities and other legal issues. In other words, a disclaimer will limit your liability to others while protecting your rights. Writing a disclaimer may sometimes be necessary...

Privacy Policy for Push Notifications

If your app sends push notifications to users, you may need a Privacy Policy. But first, let's cover exactly what a push notification is and does. A push notification is a message from an app that pops up at random times on a mobile device. They're typically formatted like mobile alerts and...

Privacy Policy for Facebook Retargeting

If you use retargeting on Facebook such as with Facebook Pixel or another Website Custom Audiences tool, you're going to need to create a Privacy Policy or update your current Policy to inform users of your use of retargeting. This is because whenever personally identifying user information is collected from users,...