Advertising Cookies

Advertising cookies are cookies that are placed on a user's device by websites or third-party advertisers, and are used to display targeted ads and track the effectiveness of marketing and online advertising campaigns. ...

Strictly Necessary Cookies

Strictly necessary cookies are cookies that are necessary in order for a website to function properly or work at all. These types of cookies don't collect or store any personally identifying information....

Personalization Cookies

Personalization cookies are small data files that get stored on a user's browser to remember ways that a website has been personalized, such as language preferences, currency selection and other information relevant to that user's use of the site. ...

Functionality Cookies

Functionality cookies are small pieces of data stored on a web browser that help a website function properly by remembering user preferences, language, region, etc. These cookies do not collect or store any personal information....

Social Media Cookies

Social media cookies are cookies, or small data files, that are stored on your computer browser to help you log into your social media accounts faster. These cookies store your social media login information and use it to authenticate you when you sign in....

Flash Cookies

Flash cookies are cookies that get placed on your device when you view something that uses Adobe Flash....

Analytics Cookies

Analytics cookies are also known as performance cookies that track website visitor behaviors such as how long a user stays on the site and what content they click on. This information can be used to improve a website....

Performance Cookies

Performance cookies are used to collect data about how a site is performing. They do not collect any personally identifiable information, and are used solely to improve the performance of a website....

Unclassified Cookies

Unclassified cookies are cookies that have not been assigned a cookie category. They can be manually assigned a category based on their purpose and functioning. ...