Blog - Page 80

Legal articles in easy to understand language.

What's a Legally Binding Agreement

Online agreements challenge traditional contract law mainly because they are not a mutual agreement between users and developers. They are terms that must be accepted before users can proceed and that is not always considered fair. The reason these agreements become legally binding and enforceable despite their deviance from traditional contracts...

Cookies Policy for Google Analytics

If your EU-based or EU-directed website or mobile app uses Google Analytics, you're required to have a Cookies Policy in place. In short, this is because the EU Cookies Directive requires a Cookies Policy, and the Google Analytics Terms of Service agreement requires users of the service to follow applicable laws. What...

The Delaware Online Privacy and Protection Act

The Delaware Online Privacy and Protection Act (DOPPA) has been in effect since January 1, 2016. This is the second state law regarding online privacy, which appears to suggest a trend where other U.S. states will pass their own privacy acts and regulations. It is similar to the California Online Privacy...

Illinois Geolocation Privacy Protection Act

On June 27, 2017, the governor of Illinois signed the Geolocation Privacy Protection Act. If your app collects geolocation data along with any other personal information, you are likely required to comply with it. Fortunately, the adjustments you need to make to your sign-in process and Privacy Policy are minor. Here is...

Overview of Website Copyright Law

The online world allows for the free flow of information, including text and graphics. However, this accessibility leads to a common problem: Your online content, no matter its form, is easy for unscrupulous parties to steal and claim as their own. You can avoid this scenario by taking advantage of the protections...

Business Terms & Conditions Template

A Terms & Conditions (T&C) agreement can greatly benefit a small business by helping the business owner set out the rules for your products and services and help manage the expectations for you and your customers. This type of agreement is also known as Terms of Use or Terms of Service,...