Kate Stacey

Legal writer at TermsFeed.

Copyright Laws and Linking to Sources

Links are an essential feature of the Internet and its functionality. They provide a structure for the vast amount of information available and are a key technique for SEO practices such as backlinking. They also enhance user experience by helping to navigate content and quickly access additional information on a...

Privacy Policy for Personal Websites

A Privacy Policy isn't only necessary for large commercial websites. It's essential for any site that collects users' personal data. This includes blogs, personal brand sites, or online portfolios. In this article, we look at Privacy Policies for personal sites, including when to use one, how to write one, and what...

"What Are Your Privacy Rights" Clause

A Privacy Policy aims to inform users of their rights in relation to the collection of their personal data, and how those rights can be exercised. To achieve this, your Privacy Policy should provide a clear summary of how you collect users' personal data, what you do with the personal data...

User-Generated Content Clause

User-generated content forms the basis of many online businesses today. For the most obvious examples of this, consider Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. User-generated content is central to these services and the user experience they deliver. If your website or app publishes user-generated content, it's important to set out the rules and...

CPRA Privacy Policy Template

If California-based users are accessing your website, then you should have an existing Privacy Policy that complies with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). But on January 1, 2023, the California Privacy Rights Act amendments to the CCPA (CPRA) take effect. The CPRA builds on the rights and responsibilities established under...

"Rules for Using our Site or Service" Clauses

While a Terms and Conditions agreement isn't a legal requirement for your website, we strongly recommend having one to protect your website, your service, and your users. A Terms and Conditions agreement is especially useful for clearly and unequivocally setting out the rules for using your website or platform, by inserting...