Videos: Cookie Consent
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How to Enable Cookie Consent on Your GoDaddy Website
Steps Log in to GoDaddy. From the Dashboard, click on Edit Website: When the Website Builder opens, go to Settings: Scroll to the Cookie Banner: When it opens, toggle the Show cookie notification to the on position: The Cookie Banner will be displayed in the Website Builder Editor: Check and adjust the notification message: Here you can add...
How to Add a Preferences Center Button to Your Cookie Consent
In the examples below, we'll use a website powered by WordPress. If your website uses a different CMS, the steps remain relatively the same: Go to where the generated code of the Cookie Consent has been added. Usually, that's the header or footer part of your website. Adding a button or link...
How to Change the Color of Your Cookie Consent
In the examples below, we'll use a website powered by WordPress. If your website uses a different CMS, the steps remain relatively the same: Go to where the generated code of the Cookie Consent has been added. Usually, that's the header or footer part of your website. Edit the configuration code according...
How to Change the Style of Your Cookie Consent
In the examples below, we'll use a website powered by WordPress. If your website uses a different CMS, the steps remain relatively the same: Go to where the generated code of the Cookie Consent has been added. Usually, that's the header or footer part of your website. Edit the configuration code according...
How to Change the Language of your Cookie Consent
In the examples below, we'll use a website powered by WordPress. If your website uses a different CMS, the steps remain relatively the same: Go to where the generated code of the Cookie Consent has been added. Usually, that's the header or footer part of your website. Edit the configuration code according...
How to Block Scripts Before User Consent with TermsFeed Free Cookie Consent
In the examples below, we'll use a website powered by WordPress. If your website uses a different CMS, the steps remain relatively the same: Convert all your <script> to work with Free Cookie Consent by adding 2 parameters: type="text/plain" and data-cookie-consent="tracking" (for example). If you haven't already added the generated code for...