Legal Research Team at TermsFeed - Page 2

Security Clauses for Privacy Policies

A security clause in a Privacy Policy is often more about reassuring the reader than complying with a legal requirement. Including a security clause in your Privacy Policy can help you achieve the wider goal of making your users feel more comfortable sharing data with you, knowing that you have...

Disclaimers for Presentations

Presentations can benefit from disclaimers because they protect both the presenter and the event host from legal liabilities arising from the content of the presentation while informing the prestentation viewers of important information. We've put together a list of potential disclaimers to use in your presentations based on the content and...

Privacy Policy for HubSpot Analytics

If you use HubSpot Analytics, it's very likely you'll need to have a Privacy Policy. Though HubSpot doesn't directly require this, it does demand that all customers follow the law when using the service. Several state, national and international laws explicitly or implicitly require a Privacy Policy when you handle personal...

What the TikTok COPPA Case Means For Your Business

If you run a mobile app or website that targets and/or collects information from children under 13, you may need to take another look at your Privacy Policies and guidelines. A recent case between the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and a Chinese-owned mobile app, TikTok, reinforced why it is important...

Disclaimer for Blogger (Blogspot)

Disclaimers are statements that inform readers of important things they need to know. For example, an affiliate disclaimer lets people know you may make a commission when someone purchases something through a link you display. A "Results Not Typical" disclaimer helps manage user expectations. You can add a disclaimer to your...

Terms & Conditions for Blogger (Blogspot)

A Terms and Conditions agreement (also known as a Terms of Use or Terms of Service) is like a how-to guide for the use of your site. It covers topics like sharing intellectual property, community standards, use restrictions and helps to protect you from liability. Whether you share your daily workouts...